About CoreWay LLC


Opening of CoreWaY LLC and Entry into the US Market
In November 2023, we opened a company in the state of New York with the goal of entering the driver education market in the United States. Currently, we are preparing to launch our applications, where prospective drivers can access a list of driving schools in their state and initiate interactions with them. Users can also obtain a comprehensive guide on obtaining a driver's license, including specific requirements based on the selected state or vehicle category, as well as a complete DMV manual in a user-friendly format. We have integrated Artificial Intelligence, which assists users in understanding all the intricacies at any time of the day, answers all the future driver's questions, and provides detailed comments on tests and more. For more information about the application's features, you can check here
In addition to this, we have developed and provide free preparation and testing for the theoretical DMV exam on our platform. As part of this program, we actively collaborate with volunteer organizations in the USA. Understanding all the nuances and differences in driver education and traffic rules between Ukraine and the USA, we have made it possible for recently arrived citizens from other countries to correctly perceive educational material within the USA. This program is also ideal for 9-12 grade high school students. For teenagers, it offers a more comprehensive learning option where information related to the theoretical course becomes more accessible and is presented in simple and understandable language. This enables them to prepare more quickly and effectively for the theoretical DMV exam.


AI in Test Answer Analysis
The system now analyzes students' mistakes during tests and provides detailed comments on the reasons for the error, offering recommendations for further study. Additionally, students can receive examples and a more in-depth analysis of specific questions in the tests, making learning much more productive and improving the student's understanding of the study material.


AI Assistant for Managers
Implementation of an AI-based assistant to help driving school managers process frequently asked questions, speeding up and optimizing the consultation process. In addition to AI assistants for students, AI for managers can, based on the manager's entire experience of answering previous student questions, suggest the most suitable answer to the student, which the manager can adjust and send. This significantly accelerates the process of handling existing and new students.


Launch of AI Consultant
Official launch of an artificial intelligence-based system for consultations, providing students with support at any stage of their education. Students can reach out to both driving school managers and the AI assistant to clarify organizational questions, such as the required documents for lectures or driving lessons, and more.


Integration with Artificial Intelligence
We started working on the integration with artificial intelligence, aiming to create an automated consultation system in any language at any time of the day. Initial attempts at integrating the platform with APIs of the most popular language models.


Analytics on Instructor Effectiveness
The driving school management has been provided with tools to assess the performance of each instructor, allowing the identification of the most and least effective teachers and adjusting the teaching process accordingly.


Deep Analytics for Students
We have added the capability for students to track their progress, analyze mistakes, and forecast exam success based on their current preparation. The statistics include the performance on traffic rules tests, tracking the topics with the highest number of errors, and informing students about their performance.


Extended Analytics for Examiners
We have provided tools for examiners to analyze exam results, identify challenging questions and topics, and monitor the performance dynamics of students.


Mobile Version Improvement
We launched an updated mobile application with an improved interface, fast synchronization with the main system, and new features for both students and instructors. Several push notification features were added, including automatic reminders if a student has not provided necessary documents for the traffic police or has not made a timely payment for their education.


Cabinet Optimization and Analytics
We made significant improvements to the interface and functionality of the cabinets for various roles within the driving school. We also added deep analytics, assisting the driving school management in efficiently managing resources and controlling processes. The director now has the ability to analyze data for different periods and across various indicators, such as the number of graduates in September 2020/2019/2018, with any available parameters in the system.


Integration with Payment Services
We introduced functionality for online payments by integrating with major payment systems such as VkPay, Yandex.Kassa, and others. This allowed students to easily and safely pay for their education from the comfort of their homes, while the driving school received payments to its bank account, with automatic transmission of information to the tax system and tax payments.


Online Contract Offer Format
In response to quarantine restrictions, we quickly adapted by providing the option to conclude contracts in an online offer format. Now, students could complete all necessary documents without a personal visit to the driving school, including on-site contracts and contracts concluded in the driving school's office.


"On-site Contract" Service
We created a service for on-site contract agreements for driving schools. Representatives of the driving school can come to the client's home or any convenient location to minimize physical interaction with driving school staff during the pandemic. The school manager can create requests directly from the dashboard, and the on-site manager or driving instructor can see them on the map and communicate with clients.


Enhanced Interface for Examiner
The interface of the examiner's dashboard has been updated to simplify the organization and conduct of exams, as well as speed up the process of grading students. The examiner can confirm exams in real-time, schedule retakes, assign additional lessons to students who want to practice specific elements, or conduct a lesson after the exam.


Analytics for Driving School Director
A new section in the system providing the director of the driving school with tools for analyzing the school's activities, including the number of students, their performance, instructor performance, the number of lessons conducted per week/month/year, statistics on theory and practical exam pass rates, and the number of practical exams conducted over a specific period, among other key indicators.


Mobile App for Instructors
Launch of a mobile application for driving instructors, allowing them to manage their schedule on the go, receive notifications about new lessons, and communicate with students. In addition to the web version of the dashboard, we implemented a full-fledged application for instructors on Android OS phones.


Creation of the Driving School Accountant's Dashboard
A comprehensive dashboard for the accountant, where they can calculate the wages of driving instructors, check student payments, make adjustments, and transfer financial reports to other accounting applications such as 1C and more.


Lesson Statistics for Senior Instructor
Introduced a feature for senior instructors to track lesson statistics for students with various instructors and analyze the effectiveness of teaching. It includes monitoring the number of assigned driving instructors by geography, tracking driving locations with low utilization, and redistributing driving instructors based on the situation.


Online Chat with Theory Instructor
The option to contact the theory instructor through an online chat has been added, allowing students to receive instant answers to their questions. The chat with students' questions is conveniently displayed in real-time. The instructor can see all student questions and respond to them live.


Real-Time Online Lectures
Enhancements to the online lecture feature, enabling real-time delivery. Students can ask questions to the instructor and receive answers during the lecture. The instructor can initiate a webinar on any streaming platform and connect it to the dashboard directly through a link.


First Version of the Driving Instructor Dashboard
On August 16th, we implemented the first version of the driving instructor's dashboard. In this version, the instructor could schedule practical lessons, synchronize their calendar with the student's calendar, and efficiently manage their work schedule within the dashboard. Students would receive immediate notifications about scheduled lessons.


Creation of the Driving School Manager Dashboard
In May 2017, we developed a comprehensive dashboard for the driving school manager. In this dashboard, the school staff could create a profile for the student, assign a driving instructor, add lessons to the schedule, change the instructor if necessary, and set dates for internal exams.


First Build of the "Driving School in Your Phone" Project
The first build of the application for students with initial functionality. Features included viewing webinars, the student's driving school calendar, scheduling theory and practical lessons through the calendar, chatting with a personal manager, and communicating with the driving instructor.


Establishment of "OOO" MskCity Company
On December 19th, Andrey Sheverdin founded the company "MskCity" with the goal of entering the Russian market with the product "Driving School in Your Phone." Initially, the product was positioned as an application for driving school students.