What we offer to existing driving schools

Our product provides a valuable opportunity for driving schools to enhance their service offering, streamline their operations through digitization, and apply the latest innovations we have developed. This allows them to focus on delivering high-quality education rather than being consumed by the need to attract new customers.

Attracting clients for driving schools

Driving schools can shave off expenses directed toward customer acquisition through IT companies or maintaining an in-house team of marketers and app developers. By simply hosting their services on our platform, they have access to our proactive promotional strategies aimed at a specific target audience. Our dedicated team of professionals, backed by a substantial marketing budget, focuses solely on this project, leveraging their rich experience in promoting driving schools.

Students gain access to a pool of driving schools already inclined towards offering the highest quality of service. This keen interest is driven by the schools' value for each customer since they operate on our platform on a subscription basis. Moreover, students are privy to cost-effective pricing for the services offered as the driving schools can lower service costs due to reduced customer acquisition expenses.

Our platform serves as a tailored solution for aspiring drivers seeking to acquire a driving license through quality education.

Ready-made driving school application

Driving school affiliates benefit from a full-fledged application experience on our substantially trafficked platform, eliminating the need for additional investment in app development, deployment, and promotion. A simple monthly subscription covers all operating charges. Premium placements are offered for an additional fee.

No need to use a CRM System

Our application was initially designed to streamline communication specifically between aspiring drivers and driving schools. We meticulously studied the driving school industry, dissected their services, pegged all the operational processes, and digitized them - transforming everything from the selection of the driving school to scheduling, payment, and progress tracking into an online process. It also ensures constant connectivity with the school's manager within our platform.

We bring a new canvas of potential customers to the table with a system that allows seamless interaction with clients, efficient delivery of their services, and guaranteed payment receipt. Our online ecosystem enables them to extend their services to a wider geographical audience, subsequently driving organic customer growth through our platform.

Ready platform for preparation for Learning Permit

Within our app, we've integrated AI to provide comprehensive feedback on traffic rule questions. To clarify and visualize various road situations, our AI presents detailed examples and analyses for each specific topic.

Most general queries related to learning permit test preparation and undertaking can be resolved through our platform, eliminating the need for learners to directly contact the driving school. This optimizes the driving schools' management time as individuals seeking their services are those who have already successfully obtained their Learning Permits, ready for the five-hour course.

No need to register in a large number of directories

Our app exclusively focuses on driving schools, opting not to include other types of organizations. This exclusivity has allowed us to enhance direct communication between future drivers and specific driving schools, an advantage that larger directories do not offer. We have also implemented highly focused filters specific to the realm of driving schools, such as:

  • School location
  • Individual service costs (e.g. 5-hour course, driving lessons, or road tests)
  • Operating hours
  • Types of vehicles used
  • 5-hour course schedules and formats

Our user-friendly platform removes the need for future drivers to navigate complicated directory interfaces, enabling them to simply begin conversations with driving schools in their chosen area. Leveraging a monthly fee for driving school listings ensures that our information stays current and relevant for licensed driving schools, unlike larger directories whose information might be updated less frequently due to the sheer volume of categories.

Driving schools benefit from our app as they are more visible and are not overshadowed by other organization categories.

Our services:

Monthly subscription


Driving schools pay a $70 monthly subscription fee to be listed on our app, rendering their services visible to potential customers.

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Premium subscription


Schools can opt for premium placement on our list for a more visible and advantageous position. This comes with an additional cost of $100 per month.

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Pay for each clients


We charge a further $10 fee per customer who purchases driving school services through our user-friendly portal. This "Start Learning" button leads the customer to the school's portal to purchase services and secure the deal. Access to this feature is provided free of charge to driving schools.

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